Yay! Augh! Yay!

The pinwheels are turning in opposite directions —
I signed up for Rachel Hauser’s Angled class, and am SO looking forward to getting in some more practice with triangles (not to mention diamonds and other angled pieces). Take a look at the Starbright quilt which is one of the class pieces. I’m really enjoying planning my version. Yay!
I pulled out my Christmas Blizzard pinwheels, sashed a couple as a break from endless pinwheels, and noticed… something.
I counted. I had done six one way, six the other way, and there were still six to make. I briefly (despairingly) contemplated demolishing and redoing six pinwheels. No way! So then I dragged out the book to contemplate my options. Okay… if I alternate directions in each row, then I can use six blocks going one direction, and the other twelve blocks can go the other direction. Sold!
Hey, it’s now a design element! And apparently I’ve gotten more comfortable with pinwheels, since I knocked out those last six in a single day. The sashing and so forth is really straightforward compared to the gazillion half square triangles. And I took the opportunity of going to the LQS closest to my house, Country Cloth Shop, for their Monday stitch’n’wine, which was really fun. It was nice to finish up the cutting for this quilt on a bigger mat than the ones I have at home, too.
I may yet get this quilt top pieced before Angled officially starts on Monday. Yay!
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